DNA Blogs

Welcome to the DNA Blogs page of Family History Today. Each day you can come to this page to see daily news and blog articles relevant to DNA used in genealogy and family history. You will notice various articles from industry leaders, professional genetic researchers and other individuals that share a passion to share their knowledge, personal experiences and case studies furthering the use of DNA for family history research.

The specific set of websites monitored by this page have been identified to share the majority of information and instruction in the DNA category. This web page uses a keyword search to retrieve the displayed set of current articles. The most recent articles are always listed at the top of each column. Each column represents a group of websites or blogs alphabetically by its originating domain name or blog name, not the article name.

Ancestry.com articles would be found in the column listed as A – I, Kitty Cooper’s blog (a well known DNA blogger) will be found in the next column listed as J – Q and the National Genealogical Society’s blog ‘Upfront With NGS’ will be found in the R – Z list. The page will list up to 3 months of articles from current and active sources. If your favorite blogger is not contributing fresh content, they will not be picked up by this page. The lists are periodically updated.

Each entry shares the title of the article, first few lines, the origin and date of the blog articles. Clicking on the article will open a new window and directs the reader to the original article on it’s parent website. If you find value in the original article, please take the time to acknowledge the author! Authors love to hear from their readers!

As you peruse the articles if you find an article that you particularly enjoy please take a moment and click the ‘LIKE’ button! Your feedback is greatly appreciated!